Friday, April 4, 2008

Make your voice heard against bullying professors in universities

I am a graduate student in a biological sciences department. My advisor several times scolded me without any reason when he came to know that I have a child to take care of. He said to me " you are screwed up", "you have problem" and " You have to get a good results, otherwise I will throw you out from the lab". He also told me "Since you are female, even if you finish your PhD you will not find a good job". Finally, he insisted me to quit my studies.

He threatened most of his students in the lab. If students do not get "good results", he scolds them in uncivilized way. I want someone to speak up loudly against this academic bullying. I did not see much posting about this bullying behavior. I also noted no mainstream media ever talked about this bullying behavior in higher institutions where we think we learn to become good citizen. Because most of the graduate students are poor Indians or Chinese, they do not speak up against these professors' bullying behavior. Please, keep alive this blog. Do something to protect our future student generaration. STOP THIS BULLYING IN ACCADEMIA.

Now, this professor is being interviewed in good universities for the faculty position. What can we do to prevent these bullies to get good positions?


Please post here your experiences in universities.

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